Let’s make BC better with your help!

The only way we can improve BC for all families is to work together and make real change!

No “woke” policies!



The Dimming: Climate engineering documentary

Do you care about children?

Children are our most important asset for tomorrow’s future. We must educate them properly so they can help rebuild BC for the better!

SOGI has to go!

SOGI is a UN-sponsored agenda that has been implemented in our schools since 2015. SOGI (sexual orientation gender identity) was implemented with the intent to prevent bullying in schools. Unfortunately, it has taken on a life of its own now excluding 95% of the population forcing children as young as 5 years old to learn about gender ideology and consider if they could be born in the wrong body. Educational standards have to be raised and children belong to their parents, not to the government!

Say “NO” to more taxes!

Say no to the carbon tax

The Federal government continues to demand more and more taxes from financially strained Canadians. The carbon tax is just another tax that goes into general revenue and kitty for the government’s latest pet projects.

Fomenting fear about the climate is manipulation

There’s no scientific proof that climate change even exists. There is overwhelming evidence to the contrary and thousands of scientists have already spoken out about climate change being fake.

No more extra taxes

Using the climate crisis as a means to collect tax is another government tactic. Say “NO” to more taxes! Say “NO” to WEF, WHO, UN, UNDRIP, CBDC, DIGITAL ID!

BC Healthcare needs to be rebuilt


The “Covid scam” must be exposed and our medical system is broken. The only way to save our healthcare is to expose the corruption and start over! Places of worship will never be closed (because of any lockdown resulting from a “virus” ) in BC.


All medical practitioners are accountable to the public. ‘Really’ hire back all healthcare workers terminated due to mandates (ie. no requirements to report “vaccine” status to the college).


The citizens of British Columbia have a right to good quality healthcare, which should be a number one priority in this province. Reduce hospital wait times!


Let’s imagine a corrupt-free government

Unlike main$tream party candidates (who serve only their corrupt puppet-ma$ters), Independent MLAs stand with, truly represent and serve only their constituents.

Join the movement.

Volunteer for Errol’s campaign so we can get the message out that people will no longer put up with corrupt government


Any donation you make to Errol’s campaign will go directly towards marketing to spread the word!